A picture is worth a thousand words...this picture describes it all. I'm so incredibly blessed to have such an amazing sister and best friend. Janelle and I have gotten along our entire lives. Besides the 6 month period where Janelle became a teen and wanted her own space, forcing me to put a sheet in the middle of our room, separating our beds and constantly telling me "Get over yourself Erin". As soon as she was over that, we were back to normal! (even though I was still the obnoxious little sister) Janelle is the most incredible, spiritual, forgiving, loving, selfless, fun, non-judging, happy, shoulder to cry on, upbeat, silly, most wonderful person i've ever known. There is no one else that I can dump every negative feeling, experience and situation in my life on, and walk away feeling so much better, and not even the slightest bit judged. She always has beautiful words or advice, a scripture to lift me up, or a life lesson that helps me know i'm not alone. I've always looked up to Janelle and hoped that I can be a little more like her in every way. She's beautiful inside and out.
I don't think i've ever called Janelle on the phone without her answering so excited and sweet. Even after long 12 hour shifts nursing, 7 days in a row. She always makes me feel important and that she's so glad i'm calling.
When we were younger, we always dressed alike and walked around the store together. People would ask us if we were twins.."um...yes" was always our response. Before I had a crazy growth spurt and shot up five inches...Janelle and I were the same height. When I started High School we looked so much a like, people would say "Hi Janelle" to me in the halls and, "Good game last night Erin" to her......We just responed.."Oh hey!"..."Um...Thanks!"...they never knew! ;)
She looks like this lately......so close to her due date! She's having a baby girl! My mom, sister-in-law and I just went to Colorado for her baby shower...She still works just as hard as every, runs around the house cleaning and cooking for us, and doing workout videos with me and my mom while practing her labor breathing (which is hillarious by the way). She will make the most amazing mother! I love this sister/bff of mine!!
I went out all by myself in January and we created this beautiful nursery together! It was so much fun!! Jesse came a few days later and he was an awesome helper too ;) Janelles husband Kellen is also amazing and did tons of painting, trim, and listening to us be crazy about decorating!
love my sista! |
I love love love the nursery! You guys did great! And you and your sis DO look so much alike, whenever I see a pic with both of you in it I have to really concentrate to figure out who's who, luckily you are both foxes so it's a good thing to look alike!